Mindfulness,  Spiritual Topics

4 Ways The Angels Let Us Know We Aren’t Alone

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get reassurance, or a sign that we are doing the right thing with your life? We’ve all had moments in life where we wonder if we are doing the right thing or if we are taking the right steps in life.  Lately, I’ve been wondering just that with this blog. Many people who have started their own business or venture experience moments where they wonder if they have lost their minds. The self-doubt crept in and felt like it was about to choke me to death.  I was plagued with the internal questions of ‘Will anyone want to read my articles?’ and ‘Will anyone care about what I have to say or the pictures and paintings I want to pair with my words?’.  I now understand what people mean when they say that their business has been like their baby. When starting a new business, you are living and breathing this creation, day in and day out with the goal of making it successful. There are heaps of uncertainty, but you continue on anyway because the fact is, you believe in what you are creating, and you hope others will too.

All I have been able to think about lately is the possibility of failure despite there being an equally likely possibility that it could be successful.  Our minds always rush to the negative because for some reason, that’s easier to believe. Now, part of success involves planning and thinking of things that could go wrong, but I think many of us tend to take that to an extreme that ends up being the opposite of helpful. At least that’s what I tend to do.

As I struggled to find inner peace with it all, I couldn’t help but think of two times I got reassurance from the Universe that everything was going to be okay. Signs from the Universe can appear anytime, anywhere. We just have to be open to them and pay attention.

 A few years ago, I was driving home from North Carolina from visiting one of my best friends from college for a vacation. It is a seven-hour drive from North Carolina to my home in Pennsylvania. I was somewhere in Virginia when I got onto this curvy but quite beautiful road. The trees were all covered in what I would later learn was kudzu. I had never seen anything like it before. As beautiful as it was, I have since learned that it tends to be an invasive plant and people who are plagued by its intrusive nature don’t find it as pretty as I did that day, but I digress. As I wound around curve after curve, for some reason, my anxiety started to get overwhelming. I was enjoying this gorgeous drive, but my thoughts started to turn to going back to work at the nursing home and the mounds of work I would have to catch up on. As a social worker, going on vacation often involves doing twice the normal amount of work both before vacation and afterwards. While coworkers do cover for you, caseloads are usually large enough that there simply isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done.  So, as I drove, the weight of going back to chaos became heavier and heavier. Once I got to the bottom of this hill, a small, quaint picnic area suddenly appeared and before I had a chance to really think about it, I found myself turning in and parking my car. To this day, I can’t completely explain the odd feeling that came over me in that moment but I’m going to try.

It was almost as if there were hands on my shoulders guiding me to the water’s edge as I got out of my car. Once my doors were locked, I made a bee-line for the nearby riverbank and plopped down in the grass and sunshine. After a few moments of taking some calming breaths, I looked down beside me and found this:

Some of you may see this as a simple feather but when I saw it, I was floored and suddenly I knew everything was okay. The anxiety that came over me was simply gone and I was left with an overwhelming sense of peace. I knew that my angels were with me and that they had left it there for me to find.

Sometimes signs from heaven don’t always appear as obvious as a feather though. There are many other ways that the angels let us know we are never alone.  I think it depends on how open we are to seeing such signs as well as individual aspects of our lives. The angels want to send you a sign that you will clearly recognize so they may do something that they know without a doubt, you specifically will be able to identify.

  • Through other people

Back when I was working in the nursing homes, I was struggling with wanting to turn to writing. One day, I was at war with myself because I didn’t think I could really do it. I was talking to one of my more confused patients one day as she was talking to me about her experiences and how she approached challenges throughout her life. She was laying on her bed looking at the ceiling as we talked until she turned, looked me in the eye, and said, “You know what you want to do so go do it.”  She then went back to staring at the ceiling and telling me her story. A knowingness came over me and I just thought, ‘Well, there’s my answer.’

  • Songs on the radio

Songs not only hold their own meanings with the lyrics and melody but we often associate songs with moments in life that hold meaning for us. As an example, I will always hold “Ireland’s Call” by Celtic Thunder dear because it always makes me remember car rides with my best friends in college. Like a bunch of dorks, we would blare that song on the car speakers with the windows down as we drove around campus for no specific reason other than we found enjoyment out of doing so. Whether it be specific lyrics of a song or the role that song played in our lives, the Universe can deliver the messages we are seeking through music if we are open enough and pay attention. A friend of mine will hear a song incessantly on the radio until she acknowledges the message she is to get from it, no matter how obscure the song may be.

  • Animals

Some common animals that people throughout history have found meaningful when they show up at coincidental times are ladybugs, butterflies, cardinals, and doves just to name a few.  Some people view these sightings as signs from loved ones who have passed, and others see them as signs from the Universe that all is well.

  • Coins

This is another one that is quite common. A lot of people find coins such as pennies in odd places and see this as a sign from their angels.  I personally don’t experience this method that much. That old expression, ‘Find a penny, pick it up and all day long you’ll have good luck’ had to start somewhere right?

  • Numbers

Angel numbers appear to me all the time from 11:11 and on up from there. Whether it be on a clock, license plate, or on a trailer passing me by on the road, they appear to me quite often. There are many websites out there that can help you with the meaning of the numbers. Think of it as a spiritual shorthand. It’s one of many ways that angels use to pass on messages to us from God.

So, as I get over my funk and work on believing in myself and this project more, I hope these signs start to show up in your life. Because frankly, we all can be a little hard on ourselves and its nice that we don’t have to go this road of life alone. God and his angels are only a breath away, if we only take the time to ask.

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