Emotional Growth,  Mindfulness,  Spiritual Topics

How to Utilize Divine Timing to Bring Positive Changes to Your Life

I thought I learned and understood everything about divine timing but, there was one thing I forgot. I’ll get to that in a minute but first things first.

What is Divine Timing Anyway?

Divine timing is the belief that everything we need in life arrives and precisely the right time. It is the belief that God, the Universe, or whatever term you choose to use, has our backs and will provide what we need at the time that is best for everyone involved.  I’ve experienced divine timing a lot through the years and it has always brought forth good, positive changes for me, often in ways I never could have predicted.

Here is an example of what I mean. After working in nursing homes for three years, I hit a point where I needed to move on to something else. There were a lot of varying circumstances regarding my life at the time but long story short, I left the nursing homes and set out to find something new. I applied to probably 50 to 100 jobs and became a champ at those dreaded cover letters. I had always wanted to work in hospice, but I had it in my head that I would never find an opening. Eventually I came to a point where something had to give soon money-wise, but I was still determined to find the right job for me and knew in my heart that the perfect one would come along. One day, out of the blue I saw a listing for a medical social worker for a hospice agency. I applied and got an interview two weeks later…

The Crazy Part

To this day, it still blows my mind at what happened next. Thirty minutes after the interview, they offered me the job! You guys, that never happens! And not only that – I would get my own company car to do visits, meaning no mileage on my personal vehicle and they offered me more pay than I had ever been paid before. Still not seeing the divine timing here? Well, the day I was not going to be able to pay my bills was the same day I got my first paycheck.

Back to the Present

Sometimes following our dreams can feel like climbing Mount Everest with a light jacket – impossible, frustrating, and cold. A few months ago, that was how I was feeling regarding this blog and it put me in a depressive slump. A slump that has been difficult to climb out of. Getting this blog off the ground and flourishing felt impossible and overwhelming. I had this idea in my head that I would launch it, get my articles up and the readers would catch on at a steady rate, and hey, if I was really lucky, maybe I’d have an article go viral. As time went on though, that idea slipped away and instead brought self-doubt, overwhelm, and deflated excitement.

I put this painting and blog post aside because I wanted to wait until the blog took off and started to flourish. Waiting until that happened would be a perfect way to demonstrate how divine timing has worked in my life and I hoped it would inspire you as well.

I Forgot the First Principle of Divine Timing

  • Trust

It was only recently that I realized that all this time, I forgot about absolute trust. It is so hard to have complete trust when we want something so badly. I desperately wanted (and still want) to have something that I created to flourish, grow, and help others.  Through this desperation, I forgot to trust in the Universe to help and provide me with what I needed to accomplish it all.  Everything that was ‘meant to be’ in my life has always arrived seamlessly and with perfect timing, but in order for that to happen, we have to have faith that everything we need will be provided at the exact right time.

  • Time of Stillness                                                                              

With new opportunities, often comes times of transition. During my job search, I had to work through any emotions that came up from the past so I could move on. It was also essential that I take the time to meditate and really think about what I want out of life and the next chapter.

  • Action

Yes, I needed to trust the Universe, but it was also important that I follow through on the opportunities that came about so those good things could come into my life. I still needed to apply for that job and follow through with phone calls to set up the job interview. When an opportunity comes up that seems promising to you, take the time to follow through!

  • Patience

My painting can help me explain this one. I’m sure you’ve noticed the weird clockface and the clock hands are being held by the clouds. I did that to demonstrate that the Universe has its own clock and that clock isn’t always going to make sense to us. In today’s world we want to see results immediately but sometimes there is a good reason why things do not work out that way. Sometimes we realize why our dreams were delayed and sometimes we may never know. Regardless, it’s important to have patience in the timing of it all while we trust that the right opportunity will come along.

Over time, through these experiences, I’ve learned to go for the various prospects as I see them in life. Then, I let go of the outcome, trusting in God, the Universe, or whatever you call the higher power, that if it’s best for me, whatever it is will somehow find its way into my life.  If nothing happens, then I do my best to work through my disappointment and trust that there was a good reason that nothing came of it.

Have you experienced diving timing in your life? If you have, I’d love to hear your story in the comments!

So what has your experience been with divine timing? How has the Universe supported you? I’d love to hear your stories in the comments!

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