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4 Tips to Help You Find Your Own New Beginning

In many ways, I am an intuitive artist. This basically means I paint what comes to me. It usually starts with an idea or an animal that I see around me one way or another, or something that keeps popping up in my mind and just won’t go away. In the case of this piece, over the course of a few weeks, I kept thinking about the cherry blossoms long before the official start of Spring. As I spent time figuring out how I could use this blog to be my new beginning as far as a career, the cherry blossom kept bursting into my mind.

When I finally broke down and looked up the symbology and spiritual meaning of the cherry blossom, I finally understood why. But I’ll get to that in a minute. The cherry blossom, or Sakura as it is known in the Japanese language, is seen as a symbol of rebirth and good luck. The celebration around this they hold in Japan is called Hanami, which translates to mean, observing flowers. Hanami is a celebration that has been a large part of Japanese culture and way of life for centuries. The life cycle of the cherry blossom is celebrated as it serves as a perfect metaphor for birth, life, death, and returning to the soil. The short lifespan of the cherry blossom encourages us to appreciate the preciousness of life and is vastly seen as a symbol of renewal and future happiness.

You see, ever since I was laid off in October of 2018, all I have wanted was a new start. I wanted new experiences, a new profession and a new way of life that is kinder and less taxing on me. Its all I have been able to think about. I don’t know if this happens to everyone but, I think if you are under extreme stress for a long time, in my experience at least, it does something to you and you eventually hit a point where you just can’t tolerate it anymore. Whatever I had in me that helped me push through the stress for so long just wasn’t there anymore. Anything I encountered after that whether it be a job, friendship, etc., that wasn’t positive for my wellbeing, just didn’t work. I was/am completely done with all the crap in my life. It made me realize that I needed something that was mine. Something that allowed me to pay the bills and work for me and my life in a positive way. To settle for less just wasn’t going to be an option.

As I reflected on this, I set out to create an abstract piece that demonstrated the beauty and wonderous message of the cherry blossom while also applying it to life and the new beginnings we all seek in our own, individual and unique ways. When I look into the light of this painting, I see joy, laughter, happiness and fulfillment at using my blog and art to help others thrive in life while also helping myself. That is my idea of a new beginning but yours may be different. There are many times in life where we need to start anew, whether it be a new adventure, job, house, town, relationship, etc. We all have our own stories and situations. So, when you look into the painting, what do you see? My wish is for you to see hope, hope of a fresh start, in whatever way you need for it to show up, because not only is it something we all need at one time or another, but its something we deserve as well.

Here are some tips to help you as you work on finding your own new beginning!

Don’t Expect to Find the Right Timing/Circumstances

We tend to like having all of our ducks in a row and our own inner ‘stuff’ all perfected before we start out on big projects or other new things. I know I personally have caught myself getting stuck in this. While some things do require good timing, there will be times when it’s okay to go with good enough. If I had waited until all my inner ‘stuff’ was sorted to start this blog, it wouldn’t exist yet.

Make A Vision Board

Vision boards, or dream boards, are a collage of images and words that illustrate our goals and things we want to attract into our lives. Its something we can look at to help us focus on the things we want to achieve and bring into our lives. That dream job you want or the type of relationship you want to attract into your life? Find pictures and words that remind you of those things and put them on your vision board. They can help us keep ourselves on track as well as put our dreams and wishes out into the Universe to help us attract them. Don’t knock it until you try it!

Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

When we venture out to try new things, it would be foolish to expect to be an expert on your first try. Failure is inevitable but it is how we dust ourselves off and try again that counts. Use your failures as lessons for the future. If something doesn’t work out the way you hoped, think about what you can take away from the experience that can help you in the future. When you try again you’ll have more knowledge under your belt!

Declutter – Both Your Home and Yourself

When things around us are a mess, it can be difficult to concentrate on getting tasks completed and make plans. Not only will cleaning your space help you think better but it will help you get rid of old things that you don’t need anymore. Even better – approach your decluttering project as a symbolic way to forge ahead into your new beginning. We all have issues, behaviors, habits and beliefs about ourselves and our lives that we pick up along our life journey. Take some time to think of what self-beliefs and behaviors might be holding you back and try to work on leaving those things behind. You deserve to be happy! Remember that!

As I set out to forge my fresh start, I felt it only fitting that one of the first prints I offer in my online store is this painting. May it serve as the reminder that you deserve to be happy, in whatever way that works for you.

Click Here to explore my Store for prints and more!

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